Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
1) Aggregate Functions
2) Backup Load
3) Command Mysql
4) Cursor
5) Data Type
6) Database
7) Date Time
8) Engine
9) Event
10) Flow Control
11) Fulltext Search
12) Function
13) Geometric
14) Insert Delete Update
15) Internationalization
16) Join
17) Key
18) Math
19) Procedure Function
20) Regular Expression
21) Select Clause
22) String
23) Table Index
24) Transaction
25) Trigger
26) User Permission
27) View
28) Where Clause
29) XML
User Permission
1) A password
2) Adding Users to Database
3) Allow newUserName access to all databases
4) Allow newUserName to sign in from any computer
5) Allows logins only from the local network
6) An example GRANT statement that assigns column-level privileges
7) Change password
8) Change password for root with update statement
9) Change password with mysqladmin
10) Change password with password function
11) Change your password to pw2 for the user account under which youre currently logged on to the system
12) Check for user authentication for current user
13) Check out the privilege for a user
14) Check the grants
15) Check the just created user by querying the user table
16) Check the privilege
17) Check the user_auths table
18) Choose another name besides root
19) Confirm privileges for the new user
20) Connect to the server at a specific IP address, with a username of myname and password of mypass
21) Connect to the server on the local host with a username of myname, asking mysql to prompt you for a password
22) Connect to the server on the local host, using the default username and password and compressing clientserver traffic
23) Connect to the server using the default hostname and username values with no password
24) Connecting to the server as cbuser from a host named xyz com, the GRANT statement should look like this
25) Create a new user with full privileges
26) Create a second access to the database, one with fewer privileges
27) Create a user named joe on localhost with a password of joe33
28) Create a user named joss with the password f1refly, logging in from the localhost only, with all privileges plus GRANT OPT
29) Create a user named marti on localhost with a password of tick3t, who has ALL privileges on the duck_sales table, and then
30) Create a user named second with the password pa552 and grant all privileges when logging in from any host
31) Create User
32) Create user and assign password
33) Create user for localhost
34) Create view for users
35) Created and given full access to the firstdb database
36) Creating a New Database and User
37) Deal with users who can log in from anywhere
38) Delete anonymous users
39) Determining the Current MySQL User
40) Drop a user
41) Drop the user1@domain1 com user account
42) Execute a SELECT statement similar to the following to view how that user is listed in the user table
43) Find the name of the current SQL user
44) Flush the grant tables
45) Give the SQL user BOOKSQL the privileges to create and manipulate tables
46) Give user newUserName on computer computerName full privileges
47) Give user permission for querying a view
48) Give users the required privileges
49) GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES to a user from localhost
50) Grant all privileges
51) Grant create, alter, drop privilege for all
52) Grant create, alter,drop and create view for a database
53) Grant insert and update for user
54) Grant insert privilege
55) Grant permission for a procedure
56) Grant permission for event
57) Grant privilege for creating user
58) Grant references
59) Grant references with grant option
60) Grant select and insert for all tables
61) Grant select and update on two column in a table
62) Grant select and update to all tables
63) Grant select and update with time limitation
64) Grant select for information_schema for a user
65) Grant select on
66) Grant select on MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 1
67) Grant select privilege for a database
68) Grant select privilege to a user
69) Grant select privilege to a user for a domain with password
70) GRANT statement
71) GRANT statement creates a user account and grants global-level privileges to that account
72) GRANT statement specifies the MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR and MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR options, setting the value of each to 50
73) Grant the grant option
74) Grant update for certain table
75) Grant usage to a user
76) Grant with user name and password
77) Have the user joss grant the DELETE privilege to marti@localhost
78) How an account would be added to the user table
79) How the REVOKE statement works
80) If the password has already been set for the root user, you must add the -p switch to the command and provide the existing
81) If you want to assign passwords to the anonymous accounts
82) Insert User
83) Introduce a new user called BOOKSQL with the password BOOKSQLPW
84) List the host, DB, table name and column name for a user
85) MySQL Privilege Types
86) Mysqladmin
87) Now take a look at an example of a GRANT statement that uses a REQUIRE clause
88) Provide the option -p and then you will be asked for the root password
89) Provide the password
90) Query the user table
91) Query user table
92) Read column privilege
93) Read host, db, user, table name and table privilege from privilege table
94) Read the user table
95) Reloads the grant table and returns version-related information
96) Rename user
97) Revoke ALL privileges from the user second, delete the user, and then verify the removal
98) Revoke grant option
99) Revoke insert and select
100) Revoke references privilege
101) Revoke select privilege
102) REVOKE statement syntax
103) Set a password for every user
106) Set the root password
107) Set up a new sample database administrator account with a username of sampadm and a password of secret
108) Setting a password for a user account other than the one you used to log on to the system
109) Setting the root password
110) Setting Up a MySQL User Account
111) Shell mysqladmin -u root password rootpass
112) SHOW GRANTS statement displays the user account information for user1@domain1 com
113) Show Permission
114) Specifying Resource Limits
115) Suppose that my MySQL username and password are sampadm and secret If the MySQL server is running on the same host
116) The following GRANT statement grants privileges to a user account named ethan
117) The GRANT statement grants SELECT and UPDATE privileges on all tables in the test database
118) The Grant Tables in the mysql database controls access to MySQL and the MySQL databases
119) The PASSWORD() function encrypts a specified string as a 41-byte hash value
120) The REVOKE Statement
121) The right to change access privileges
122) To delete the account instead
123) To reset an existing limit to the default of no limit, specify a value of zero
124) To specify an anonymous-user account, specify an empty string for the user part of the account name
125) To view how the user account is added to the grant tables
126) Use a SELECT statement to view information about that user account
127) Use Password encode
128) Use SELECT statement to view the user account information that is added to the user table
129) Use SELECT statements to retrieve data from the user, tables_priv, and columns_priv tables
130) Use SELECT statements to see how the user account would be added to the user and db tables
131) USER() for current user
132) Using the FLUSH PRIVILEGES Statement to reload the grant tables into memory
133) Using the SET PASSWORD Statement
134) Using the SHOW GRANTS Statement
135) Verify that the user table contains the proper host and user rows
136) Verify the grant